Here is our regular monthly trawl for new publications from HEDS in collaboration with colleagues in ScHARR and further afield. Many of these are currently in press, you can find much of our work in its open access form via our institutional repository. Find them here
BMC Public Health
Baxter, S., Blank, L., Cantrell, A., & Goyder, E. (2021). Is working in later life good for your health? A systematic review of health outcomes resulting from extended working lives. BMC Public Health, 21(1356).
Baxter, S., Chambers, D., Blank, L., Cantrell, A., & Goyder, E. (2021). Organisation-wide interventions to promote the health and well-being of healthcare staff during periods of increased demand: a systematic review. NIHR.
Beecher, C., Toomey, E.,
Maeso, B., Whiting, C., Stewart, D. C., Worrall, A., Elliott, J., Smith, M.,
Tierney, T., Blackwood, B., Maguire, T. Kampman, M., Ling, B., Gravel, C., Gill,
C., Healy, P., Houghton, C., Booth, A., Garritty, C., … Devane, D. (n.d.). What
are the most important unanswered research questions on rapid review
methodology? A James Lind Alliance research methodology Priority Setting
Partnership: the Priority III study protocol. HRB Open Research, 4,
Boyd, J., Bambra, C.,
Purshouse, R. C., & Holmes, J. (n.d.). Beyond Behaviour: How Health
Inequality Theory Can Enhance Our Understanding of the ‘Alcohol-Harm Paradox.’ International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6025.
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Trials |
Burton, M., Lifford, K. J., Wyld, L., Armitage, F., Ring, A., Nettleship, A., Collins, K., Morgan, J., Reed, M. W. R., Holmes, G. R., Bradburn, M., Gath, J., Green, T., Revell, D., Brain, K., Edwards, A., Harder, H., Ward, S., Richards, P., … Audisio, R. (2021). Process evaluation of the Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer decision support intervention cluster randomised trial. Trials, 22(1).
Caluzzi, G., Livingston,
M., Holmes, J., MacLean, S., Lubman, D., Dietze, P., Vashishtha, R., Herring,
R., & Pennay, A. (n.d.). Declining drinking among adolescents: Are we
seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non‐drinking? Addiction,
Fox, N. J., &
Alldred, P. (n.d.). Doing new materialist data analysis: a Spinozo-Deleuzian
ethological toolkit. International Journal of Social Research Methodology,
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Emergency Medicine Journal |
Hotham, R., O’Keeffe, C., Stone, T., Mason, S. M., & Burton, C. (n.d.). Heterogeneity of reasons for attendance in frequent attenders of emergency departments and its relationship to future attendance. Emergency Medicine Journal.
Jensen, M. V, Broadley,
M., Speight, J., Scope, A., Preston, L., Heller, S., de Galan, B. E., Pouwer,
F., & Hendrieckx, C. (n.d.). The impact of hypoglycaemia on the quality of
life of family members of adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes – a qualitative
systematic review. Diabetic Medicine.
Jones, N. L., Read, J.,
Field, B., Fegan, C., Simpson, E., Revitt, C., Lanfranchi, V., &
Ciranvenga, F. (n.d.). Remote home visits: Exploring the concept and
applications of remote home visits within health and social care settings. British
Journal of Occupational Therapy,
Lee, E. C., Wright, J.,
Walters, S. J., Cooper, C. L., & Mountain, G. A. (2021). Estimating the
minimum important difference in the DEMQOL instrument in people with dementia. Quality
of Life Research.
Long, J., Knowles, E.,
Bishop‐Edwards, L., & O’Cathain, A. (n.d.). Understanding young adults’
reasons for seeking ‘clinically unnecessary’ urgent and emergency care: A
qualitative interview study. Health Expectations,
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British Journal of Sports Medicine |
& Campbell, M. J. (n.d.). A CHecklist for statistical Assessment of Medical Papers (the CHAMP statement): explanation and elaboration. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Mellor, K., Eddy, S.,
Peckham, N., Bond, C. M., Campbell, M. J., Lancaster, G. A., Thabane, L.,
Eldridge, S. M., Dutton, S. J., & Hopewell, S. (2021). Progression from
external pilot to definitive randomised controlled trial: a methodological
review of progression criteria reporting. BMJ Open, 11(6),
Mulhern, B., Norman, R.,
& Brazier, J. (n.d.). Valuing SF-6Dv2 in Australia Using an International
Protocol. PharmacoEconomics.
Shaweno, T., Abdulhamid,
I., Bezabih, L., Teshome, D., Derese, B., Tafesse, H., & Shaweno, D.
(n.d.). Sero-prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Among Adults in the General
Population in Diredawa, Ethiopia. Research Square.
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Emerging Infectious Diseases |
Soko, R. N., Burke, R. M., Feasey, H. R. A., Sibande, W., Nliwasa, M., Henrion, M. Y. R., Khundi, M., Dodd, P. J., Ku, C. C., Kawalazira, G., Choko, A. T., Divala, T. H., Corbett, E. L., & MacPherson, P. (2021). Effects of Coronavirus disease pandemic on tuberculosis notifications, Malawi. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 27(7), 1831–1839.
Thomas, B., Goodacre,
S., Lee, E., Sutton, L., Bursnall, M., Loban, A., Waterhouse, S., Simmonds, R.,
Biggs, K., Marincowitz, C., Schutter, J., Connelly, S., Sheldon, E., Hall, J.,
Young, E., Bentley, A., Challen, K., Fitzsimmons, C., Harris, T., … Walter, D.
(n.d.). Prognostic accuracy of emergency department triage tools for adults
with suspected COVID-19: the PRIEST observational cohort study. Emergency
Medicine Journal.
Tod, D., Booth, A.,
& Smith, B. (n.d.). Critical appraisal. International Review of Sport
and Exercise Psychology, 1–21.
Vu, T. M. (2021).
Software review: Pony GE2. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.