Review of methods used to estimate and model utility values for children and adolescents in NICE technology appraisals
Researchers in HEDS, on behalf of NICE DSU, undertook a review of methods used in NICE technology appraisals to estimate and model utility values for children and adolescents. The review included 31 NICE appraisals, and found limited use of child and adolescent population-specific measures to generate health state utility values for children and adolescents in technology appraisals submitted to NICE. Often appraisals used an adult specific measure to reflect the health of children and adolescents.
For the full report please visit the NICE DSU website at this link http://nicedsu.org.uk/utility-values-in-children/
The Decision Support Unit (DSU) is commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE) to provide a research and training resource to support the Institute’s Technology Appraisal Programme.