HEDS is part of the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. We undertake research, teaching, training and consultancy on all aspects of health related decision science, with a particular emphasis on health economics, HTA and evidence synthesis.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

HEDS Website of the Month for February - The Chartmaker Directory

HEDS Colin Angus picked last month's website of the month and he's come up trumps again with another useful resource with The Chartmaker Directory

For those moments when you have seen a type of chart somewhere and want to recreate it, but aren't exactly sure how. The Chartmaker directory website is a simple matrix with software packages/websites along the top, and different chart types down the side. Each cell is populated with links to reproducible examples, code or how-to guides to make that chart type in that software package. 

Image of http://chartmaker.visualisingdata.com/ website

So if you want to know how to coax Excel into drawing a heatmapdraw a Sankey diagram in Google Sheetsshow maps in Stata (who knew you could do that?), or draw a lollipop chart in R, then this website will show you a link to do just that. It also gives you an idea of when the software you want to use just can't be bullied into making the graph you want, which is always useful to know.