On Tuesday 19th September, Professor Karen Hofman will be giving a lecture titled “Progress and challenges in implementing Health Technology Assessment and Public Health Economics in LMICs: the experience in South Africa”
The lecture is from 11:00am to noon, in Seminar Room 117, Jessop Building.
Want to know more? Here’s a summary of what Karen will be talking about:
Prof Karen Hofman, is founder and director of PRICELESS SA ( priority cost effective lessons for systems strengthening South Africa) based at the Wits School of Public Health in Johannesburg, will discuss the basis for establishing this vibrant research to policy unit, and an overview of the current program of research by her multidisciplinary team. Their work is focused on how scarce resources can best be deployed to ensure improved health and better care in the public health system. She will focus on some successful policy engagements, including work on salt regulations and the proposed sugary beverage tax as well as setting priorities for maternal and child health. Karen's presentation will include promising developments and challenges with regard to HTA in the journey towards universal health coverage in South Africa.