To help us keep on top of current research in low and middle-income countries, we are running a monthly search of research that is aligned to our core research interests. It's a simple search strategy, with those published in August that are most aligned to our interests listed below. The full list of articles is kept in our "Searches archive" in the right-hand column.
- Damian DJ, Njau B, Lisasi E, Msuya SE, Boulle A. Trends in maternal and neonatal mortality in South Africa: a systematic review protocol. Systematic reviews. 2017;6(1):165.
- Horton S, Gelband H, Jamison D, Levin C, Nugent R, Watkins D. Ranking 93 health interventions for low- and middle-income countries by cost-effectiveness. PloS one. 2017;12(8):e0182951.
- James R, Khim K, Boudarene L, Yoong J, Phalla C, Saint S, et al. Tuberculosis active case finding in Cambodia: a pragmatic, cost-effectiveness comparison of three implementation models. BMC infectious diseases. 2017;17(1):580.
- Morais DC, Moraes LFS, Silva D, Pinto CA, Novaes JF. Methodological aspects of dietary quality assessment in Brazil: systematic review. Ciencia & saude coletiva. 2017;22(8):2671-80.
- Ngalesoni F, Ruhago G, Mayige M, Oliveira TC, Robberstad B, Norheim OF, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of population-based tobacco control strategies in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Tanzania. PloS one. 2017;12(8):e0182113