Naomi Gibbs |
The new group is featured in the latest iHEA Newsletter which you can read here https://www.healtheconomics.
This is the link to the special interest group's web page.
Naomi said about the group: "In order to learn from the experts in the field I wanted to be part of an international group of health economists interested in incorporating equity into economic evaluation. After approaching Professor Richard Cookson the idea grew and we are now a group of five convenors drawn from South Africa, Geneva, the UK and USA. We hope the group will attract members from all across the globe and will be at the centre of empirical and methodological developments in the field. From a personal perspective it has already been great for developing my networks and expanding my knowledge of the research being undertaken which I can then directly apply to my work."
Naomi is working to produce a health economic model of alcohol pricing policies in South Africa with the aim of highlighting the differential impact policies may have on population subgroups as part of her work. Naomi said: "This feels particularly pertinent to South Africa but is applicable to all contexts where decision makers care about inequalities as well as health maximisation."