Lead author, Professor John Brazier spoke about the paper: This article is an ISPOR Task Force report that aims to improve current poor practice in using health state utility values in cost-effectiveness models written by a team that includes our very own Roberta Ara, Suzy Paisley and myself.
Analysts frequently cite dated values used in previous cost-effectiveness models without undertaking basic quality checks of the data in the original source material, such as the relevance of the patient population, utility instrument, elicitation method or the sources of the preference weights. These shortcuts can render the results uninterpretable as HSUs derived from a variety of methods and populations are pieced together.
This task force report provides guidance for researchers on how to identify, review and synthesise HSU estimates for use in cost-effectiveness models. The SpRUCE checklist provides minimum reporting [U1] criteria to judge the appropriateness of the HSUs selected for use and is suitable for use across different international settings.