HEDS is part of the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. We undertake research, teaching, training and consultancy on all aspects of health related decision science, with a particular emphasis on health economics, HTA and evidence synthesis.

Friday, 23 February 2018

HEDS Short Course - Rapid Review Methods

HEDS are running a one day course on Rapid Review Methods on Thursday, 17th May 2018

Background: Rapid reviews are increasingly undertaken to meet the demands of decision makers, who need timely evidence to inform their decisions. Under such constraints the time required to undertake a traditional systematic review may be prohibitive. Limited budgets to fund systematic reviews, may also increase pressure to fund a rapid review.

Image of Halifax Hall, Sheffield
Course venue - Halifax Hall

Course Overview: If the review is to be delivered in a shorter time frame or a smaller budget it may seem inevitable that it will no longer be able to remain transparent, rigorous, exhaustive and comprehensive. What are the implications of any shortcuts that might be taken? Can we measure the impact of such shortcuts? Which methods might be adopted when undertaking a rapid review? What do commissioners want? What is the balance between working smarter and short changing the commissioners? How do you create a team that can work together more efficiently within a shorter timescale? These questions will be explored through a detailed examination of tools that can be used and adapted to meet the particular needs of each rapid review.

Fiona Campbell is the course leader for this 1 day short course.
Dr Andrew Booth

Link to further course information

Link to our Online Store, where all of our ScHARR short course bookings are initially processed: