HEDS is part of the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. We undertake research, teaching, training and consultancy on all aspects of health related decision science, with a particular emphasis on health economics, HTA and evidence synthesis.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Latest Publications from HEDS in December

Our regular monthly trawl for new publications from HEDS in collaboration with colleagues in ScHARR and further afield has reaped a tremendous amount of fresh research. Many of these are currently in press, so you can find much of our work in its open access form via our institutional repository. Tuck in here.   

Image of Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Journal
© Elsevier            
       Cargo, M., Harris, J., Pantoja, T., Booth, A., Harden, A., Hannes, K., Thomas, J., Flemming, K., Garside, R., Noyes, J., 2017. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 3: Methods for Assessing Evidence on Intervention Implementation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.11.028

       Carlton, J., Griffiths, H., Mazzone, P., n.d. BIOS Screening Audit report 2015-2016. doi:10.15131/shef.data.5532910

       Comans, T.A., Nguyen, K.H., Mulhern, B., Corlis, M., Li, L., Welch, A., Kurrle, S., Rowen, D.L., Moyle, W., Kularatna, S., Ratcliffe, J., n.d. Developing a dementia-specific preference-based quality of life measure (AD-5D) in Australia: Valuation study protocol. BMJ Open.

Flemming, K., Booth, A., Hannes, K., Cargo, M., Noyes, J., 2017. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 5: Reporting guidelines for qualitative, implementation and process evaluation evidence syntheses. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.10.022

Harden, A., Thomas, J., Cargo, M., Harris, J., Pantoja, T., Flemming, K., Booth, A., Garside, R., Hannes, K., Noyes, J., 2017. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 4: Methods for integrating qualitative and implementation evidence within intervention effectiveness reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.11.029

Harris, J.L., Booth, A., Cargo, M., Hannes, K., Harden, A., Flemming, K., Garside, R., Pantoja, T., Thomas, J., Noyes, J., 2017. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance series - paper 6: Methods for question formulation, searching and protocol development for qualitative evidence synthesis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.10.023
The Stata Journal front cover
© StataCorp

Hernandez, M., pudney, S., n.d. EQ5DMAP: a command for mapping between EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L. Stata Journal.

Latimer, N.R., White, I.R., Abrams, K.R., Sieburt, U., 2017. Causal inference for long-term survival in randomised trials with treatment switching: Should re-censoring be applied when estimating counterfactual survival times?

Martin, N.H., Ibrahim, F., Tom, B., Galloway, J., Wailoo, A., Tosh, J., Lempp, H., Prothero, L., Georgopoulou, S., Sturt, J., Scott, D.L., Jenner, R., Neatrour, I., Baggott, R., Kingsley, G., Zhong, Y., Mian, A., 2017. Does intensive management improve remission rates in patients with intermediate rheumatoid arthritis? (the TITRATE trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 18. doi:10.1186/s13063-017-2330-8

Noyes, J., Booth, A., Cargo, M., Flemming, K., Garside, R., Hannes, K., Harden, A., Harris, J., Lewin, S., Pantoja, T., Thomas, J., 2017a. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Series - paper 1: Introduction. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.09.025

Noyes, J., Booth, A., Flemming, K., Garside, R., Harden, A., Lewin, S., Pantoja, T., Hannes, K., Cargo, M., Thomas, J., 2017b. Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance paper 2: Methods for assessing methodological limitations, data extraction and synthesis, and confidence in synthesized qualitative findings. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.06.020

Picot, J., Rose, M., Cooper, K., Pickett, K., Lord, J., Harris, P., Whyte, S., Böhning, D., Shepherd, J., 2017. Virtual chromoendoscopy for the real-time assessment of colorectal polyps in vivo: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 21, 1–308. doi:10.3310/hta21790

Image of the Emergency Medicine Journal
       Pollard, D., Goodacre, S., Stevenson, M., Fuller, G., 2017. 10 Decision analysis modelling of diagnostic strategies for suspected pulmonary embolism in pregnancy: the DiPEP economic evaluation., in: Emergency Medical Journal. England, pp. A867–A868. doi:10.1136/emermed-2017-207308.10

       van Hoorn, R., Tummers, M., Booth, A., Gerhardus, A., Rehfuess, E., Hind, D., Bossuyt, P.M., Welch, V., Debray, T.P.A., Underwood, M., Cuijpers, P., Kraemer, H., van der Wilt, G.J., Kievit, W., 2017. The development of CHAMP: a checklist for the appraisal of moderators and predictors. BMC Medical Research Methodology 17, 173. doi:10.1186/s12874-017-0451-0

Wailoo, A., Hock, E.S., Stevenson, M., Martyn-St James, M., Rawdin, A., Simpson, E., Wong, R., Dracup, N., Scott, D.L., Young, A., 2017. The clinical effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Treat-To-Target strategies in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technology Assessment. (Rockv). 21, 1–258. doi:10.3310/hta21710