To help us keep on top of current research in low and middle-income countries, we are running a monthly search of research that is aligned to our core research interests. It's a simple search strategy, with those published in April that are most aligned to our interests listed below. The full list of articles is kept in our "Searches archive" in the right-hand column.
- Onyedum CC, Alobu I, Ukwaja KN. Prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one. 2017;12(7):e0180996.
- Pecenka C, Parashar U, Tate JE, Khan JAM, Groman D, Chacko S, et al. Impact and cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Bangladesh. Vaccine. 2017;35(32):3982-7.
- Vassall A, Siapka M, Foster N, Cunnama L, Ramma L, Fielding K, et al. Cost-effectiveness of Xpert MTB/RIF for tuberculosis diagnosis in South Africa: a real-world cost analysis and economic evaluation. The Lancet Global health. 2017;5(7):e710-e9.